All JDL locations will close at 12 PM on February 14 for staff training.
Locations at the JDL

Computers & Internet Access

Computers are available on a first come, first served basis. Your library card and PIN are required to register for time at a machine. The following rules and limitations apply when working on public computers at all JDL branches.


JDL public computers are available at all JDL branches and all have Windows 10 installed. Our Meijer branches Digital Studio has significantly more software installed. Which can be viewed on the Meijer Branch Digital Studio Page

USB Devices

JDL allows the use of USB storage devices in its public computers to save or retrieve information. USB storage devices should not require device drivers or special software to be installed for use with Windows. Connecting other types of devices to the computer using the USB ports is not recommended. The library is not responsible for technical support required by the use of the devices or any damage, loss or destruction of personal devices connected by customers.

Public computers do not have speakers, but patrons may use their own earbuds or headphones.

Library Cards

Patrons can gain access to the public computers, by using their library card. Patrons can also use a guest pass, by requesting one from library staff members.

Further Policies

While using public computer stations you must agree to abide by the Jackson District Library’s Internet Policy.

Internet Access

The library offers free Wi-Fi access to anyone in the library.

To connect to the wireless network:

  • Open a web browser window
  • Accept the Terms of Agreement (scroll to bottom of page to accept)

Enjoy our free wireless Internet. Our Internet Access Policy is available here.