Locations at the JDL

Adult Literacy at JDL

Adult Learners
Are you, or someone you know, an adult who needs help with reading and writing? Jackson District Library has a one-on-one program that can help. Adult Literacy is a program that will pair an adult who needs help with reading and writing with a tutor who can support this need.

Tutors and learners meet at an agreed-upon time and place to work on the skills needed to be successful in literacy. If needed, learners can use a JDL laptop and hotspot for this program to connect to their tutor or online resources for learning.

Adult Tutors
If you are interested in being a tutor for an adult learner, we are looking for you! Jackson District Library is looking for volunteers for a six-month to one-year commitment to work with other adults who want to learn to read and write.

Tutors will receive a two-week training and will be given all of the supplies needed for a positive experience. Our staff is trained to provide you with the support you need, and will join in celebrating your learner’s success.

To learn more or register, contact Adult Services at adultservices@myjdl.com or 517-905-1339.