All JDL locations will be closed Monday, January 20 for MLK Day.

All Research Databases

An alphabetical list of all the research databases we provide.

Ancestry Library Edition

Worldwide historical records, family tree services, and genealogy.


Great resource for finding the latest bestsellers and award winning books.

Books in Print Professional Edition

Contains over 20 million global titles including books, ebooks, audio books, and multimedia titles.

Britannica School - Elementary

A trusted source of articles, media, and reference tools for students and educators at the elementary level. Within each database, teachers have access to lesson plans based on current Common Core standards, and have the ability to search based on standard.

Britannica School - High

A trusted source of articles, media, and reference tools for students and educators at the high school level. Within each database, teachers have access to lesson plans based on current Common Core standards, and have the ability to search based on standard.

Britannica School - Middle

A trusted source of articles, media, and reference tools for students and educators at the middle school level. Within each database, teachers have access to lesson plans based on current Common Core standards, and have the ability to search based on standard.

Comics Plus

Comics Plus offers unlimited, simultaneous access to digital comics, graphic novels, and manga.

Consumer Reports

Compare product price, performance, and reliability with expert reviews. A great tool for finding the best product before making purchases, starting home renovation projects, or buying a car.

Craft & Hobby

Unlock your creative potential with the largest resource of video-on-demand learning in the craft and hobby space.

EBSCO Academic Search Complete

Coverage on a wide range of topics. Includes peer-reviewed full text for STEM research, as well as for the social sciences and humanities. Total titles indexed: 17,100+; Full-text titles: 8,900+.


Contains records from the USDA's National Agriculture Library and provides millions of citations relating to the field of agriculture.

EBSCO Alt Health Watch

Full-text alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers the latest information about the evolving practice of holistic medicine and therapies. Total titles indexed: 190+; Full-text titles: 180+.

EBSCO Applied Science & Technology Source

Full-text and indexed content covering the full spectrum of the applied sciences and computing disciplines from acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear engineering. Total titles idexed: 3,600+; Full-text titles: 1,200+.

EBSCO Art & Architecture

Full-text art research covering fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design. Strong international coverage with hundreds of full-text art journals, magazines and books, plus detailed indexing, abstracts and thousands of images. Total titles indexed: 1,600+; Full-text titles: 780+.

EBSCO Auto Repair Source

Auto Repair Source offers a user-friendly search experience and access to a wealth of information to help users diagnose, repair and maintain today’s complex vehicles.

EBSCO Business Book Summaries

Concise yet comprehensive summaries to help professionals and students keep up with the latest information in the business world. A wide range of topics is covered including business biographies, change management, communication, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, personal growth, productivity and technology.

EBSCO Caribbean Search

Full-text content pertaining to the countries and people of the Caribbean. Created in conjunction with Caribbean librarians and researchers. Total titles indexed: 140+; Full-text titles: 120+.

EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source

Multidisciplinary and multilingual resource covering a variety of subject areas including history, business and law. Total titles indexed: 590+; Full-text titles: 570+.

EBSCO Consumer Health Complete

Provides content covering all key areas of health and wellness, from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary and holistic medicine. Total titles indexed: 500+; Full-text titles: 500+.

EBSCO Consumer Health Information

Detailed answers to the 200 most-commonly-asked health questions. Available in 17 languages. Answers are provided in evidence-based reports that feature graphics, illustrations, easy-to-read text and links to additional information.

EBSCO eBook Business Collection

A key resource for academic and business school libraries. Total titles: 17,700+ Full-text titles.

EBSCO eBook K-8 Collection

The eBook K-8 Collection contains titles chosen to support a quality learning experience for K-8 students across all subject areas taught in elementary and middle schools, and content aligns with Common Core Curriculum Standards (for participating U.S. states). The collection also features a selection of teacher resources to support educators and administrators. Full-text titles: 12,450+.

EBSCO eBook Public Library Collection

General reference collection featuring titles for both adults and kids. Covers topics ranging from self-help and fitness to cooking and personal finance. Full-text titles: 44,450+.

EBSCO eBooks High School

Specifically for high school students and educators, this collection offers full-text eBook coverage that aligns with school's curricula as well as complements EBSCO's other eResources. There is a selection of teacher resources and titles align with Common Core Curriculum Standards. Full-text titles: 9,800+.

EBSCO Education Source

Provides scholarly research and information for education students, professionals and policy makers. Covers all levels of education - from early childhood to higher education - and educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education and testing. Total titles indexed: 3,500+; Full-text titles: 2,000+.

EBSCO Entrepreneurial Studies Source

The latest insights on entrepreneurship and small business topics for business students and researchers. Content comes from business journals, magazines, reference books, case studies and company profiles. Total titles indexed: 140+; Full-text titles: 120+.

EBSCO Environment Complete

Offers coverage for students and scholars in the areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy and affiliated areas of study. Total titles indexed: 2,100+; Full-text titles: 1,000+.


ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is essential tool for education researchers of all kinds.

EBSCO Health Source: Consumer Edition

Consumer health information including magazines and reference books. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets. Total titles indexed: 100+; Full-text titles: 70+.

EBSCO Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

Provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses and medical educators access to full-text scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. It provides indexing, abstracts and full-text for hundreds of nursing and allied health journals, many of which are peer-reviewed. Total titles indexed: 800+; Full-text titles: 300+.

EBSCO Humanities Source

Covers literary, scholarly and creative thought. Ideal for students, researchers, and educators interested in any aspect of the humanities. Total titles indexed: 3,000+ Full-text: 1,400+.

EBSCO Legal Information Reference Center

Designed to assist the general public in legal matters of all kinds. Coverage includes exclusive full text for many top consumer legal reference books, thousands of legal forms, and detailed how-to instructions covering a wide-range of legal issues. A majority of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo.

EBSCO Library & Information Science Source

Journals and periodicals that help librarians and researchers keep pace with the latest trends in the field. Total titles indexed: 2,200. Full-text titles: 470+.

EBSCO MAS Complete

Designed for high school libraries and offers coverage of popular high school magazines and reference books. Wide range of subjects offered including art, history, sports and music. Over 1,000,000 photos, maps and flags. Total titles indexed: 690+; Full-text titles: 550+.

EBSCO MasterFILE Complete

Content from popular full-text magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources. Covers wide range of subjects including business, health, fashion, sports, and personal finance. Total titles indexed: 3,400+; Full-text titles: 2,300+

EBSCO Middle Search Plus

Middle school magazines and reference books including thousands of biographies, primary source documents, over a million photos, maps and flags. Subjects covered include history, current events, science, sports and biographies. Total titles indexed: 200+; Full-text titles: 170+.

EBSCO Newspaper Source Plus

Provides coverage from newspapers, newswires, and news magazines. TV, radio transcripts, and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources are also included. Primary full coverage newspapers are The Washington Post and USA Today. Total titles indexed: 1,300+; Full-text titles: 1,300+.

EBSCO Poetry & Short Story Reference Center

Coverage includes classic and contemporary poems as well as short stories, biographies and authoritative essays. Total titles indexed: 155; Full-text titles: 155.

EBSCO Points of View Reference Center

Presents multiple sides of an issue. Helps students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.

EBSCO Primary Search

Children's magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedia entries, and an image collection designed for elementary school libraries. Total titles indexed: 115+; Full-text titles: 95+.

EBSCO Professional Development

Specialized database of full-text electronic information especially for educators, professional librarians and education researchers. Total titles indexed: 725+; Full-text titles: 460+.

EBSCO Psychology & Behavioral Health Collection

Covers a broad range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioral sciences and related disciplines. For psychologists, counselors, researchers and students. Total titles indexed: 500+; Full-text titles: 490+.

EBSCO Regional Business News

Provides coverage from regional business publications for the U.S. and Canada. Total titles indexed: 125; Full-text titles: 100+.

EBSCO Science Reference eBook Collection

Full-text science magazines, encyclopedias, reference books, and a collection of images. Total titles indexed: 220; Full-text titles: 200+.

EBSCO Vocational Studies Premier

Designed specifically for the research needs of two-year colleges. Scholarly content most relevant to vocational programs. Wide range of subjects covered including counseling, biotechnology, cosmetology, fashion design, forensics, graphic arts, health information technology, law enforcement, and veterinary assistant. Total titles indexed: 1000+; Full-text titles: 900+.


Fipster is the ultimate digital magazine subscription platform for libraries. Accessible via a web browser or custom apps, patrons can download magazines to read offline, anytime, anywhere.

Foundation Directory Online

Provides the most comprehensive and accurate information on U.S. Grantmakers and their funding activities. For help accessing this resource, please call or visit our Adult Services Department. (Access to this resource is only available within JDL locations).

Gale Business: DemographicsNow

A comprehensive business and residential reference and research tool. Users can produce comprehensive business and residential lists as well as detailed demographic reports. Users can even utilize a unique mapping tool that ‘visualizes’ trends.

Gale Business: Plan Builder

Plan and optimize businesses or nonprofits. Built for aspiring entrepreneurs and those with existing small businesses, it provides a step-by-step process supported by a rich variety of recognized tools that enable users to produce complete business plans and other documents essential for gaining access to capital and growing an enterprise.

Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Helps students research different viewpoints on a wide variety of topics, analyze and organize a broad variety of data, complete writing assignments, prepare for debates, create presentations and more.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

A collection of over 60 Reference eBooks that can be cross-searched, browsed, and viewed on your most tablets, eReaders, or web browsers.

Heritage Quest

Resource site for census data, family records,and local histories.

History Reference eBook Collection

Covers U.S. and world history topics and features historical reference books, magazines and thousands of primary source documents. Total titles indexed: 150+; Full-text titles: 145+.

Jackson Citizen Patriot Historical and Current Collection

Explore Jackson history through local news, events and people with Jackson Citizen Patriot Historical and Current Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

Job and Career Accelerator (MeL)

Offers 30+ eBooks covering topics such as how to interview and network, skills matcher, and several titles profiling various jobs and careers.

LearningExpress Library

Offers over 700 courses, practice tests, tutorials, eBooks and flashcards. Practice tests offered include ACT, SAT, PSAT and TOEFL as well as trade certification, civil service, math/reading tests and citizenship.

LinkedIn Learning

Provides video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative, and business skills. It is a subsidiary of LinkedIn. All the courses on LinkedIn fall into four categories: Business, Creative, Technology and Certifications.

Literary Reference eBook Collection

Covers broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. Wide range of subjects covered including plot summaries, literary criticism, book reviews, classic and contemporary poems, short stories and novels, and author interviews. Total titles indexed: 460+; Full-text titles: 380+.

Mango Languages

Mango prepares learners for realistic conversations and strengthens everyday communication skills in over 70 world languages, including English.

Michigan Electronic Library (MeL)

Order books, audio books, music, movies and other materials delivered to your participating library.

Morningstar Investment Research Center

Designed specifically for individual investors, this database includes research on more than 30,000 stocks, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETF's). The database also allows you tobuild and test a portfolio and to take interactive workshops and classes to sharpen your investing.

MyHeritage - Library Edition

MyHeritage Library Edition is one of the largest, most internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind. Access to billions of historical documents, millions of historical photos and other resources in thousands of databases that span the past five centuries.

Novelist Plus

Assists fiction readers in finding new authors and titles. It includes information on more than 150,000 titles, including authors, publication information, subjects, book reviews, discussion guides, and feature articles. Also featured are 1200 theme-oriented booklists, 150 award lists, and links to 1000 fiction related web sites.

Passenger & Immigration Lists Index

The Passenger & Immigration Lists Index covers more than 5 million names of persons who immigrated to North American between the late 1500s and the mid-20th Century.

Prices 4 Antiques

International prices for antiques and collectibles and early American antique furniture.

Reference Solutions (Formerly Reference USA)

Reference Solutions is the number 1 source of information on businesses and people specifically designed for small business owners, marketing professionals, researchers and job seekers. Reference Solutions helps users create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, raise funds and locate people.

Scholastic Go

Includes seven encyclopedia databases: Encyclopedia America, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, The New Book of Knowledge, La Nueva Enciclopedia Cumbre, America the Beautiful, Lands and Peoples, and The New Book of Popular Science.

Small Engine Repair Reference Center

Detailed yet user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines. All of the content is organized in an easy-to-use manner so that users can quickly find the information they need.


TumbleBookCloud offers online books and resources for teens, much like its sister site TumbleBooks offers resources for children.


Thousands of schools and libraries around the world offer their patrons, students, and teachers unlimited access to ebooks for children.

All JDL patrons have access to a really helpful service at This is a website that gives one-on-one support for students and job seekers. It is a wonderful resource to all parents with kids attending virtual school, homeschoolers, teachers and students doing homework at home.

Value Line

Offers research covering a range of professional needs and offers a depth and breadth of proprietary research you can't find anywhere else. Value Line streamlines company information and its financial data so you can quickly make an evaluation.

WorldCat Discovery Service

Books, journals, videos, music scores and recordings, maps, and other materials in over 10,000 libraries around the world. Also includes about 30 million journal and magazine articles.