JDL Teen Discord
Come join our teen Discord server!
The Jackson District Library’s teen Discord server is a free, online “invite-only”, safe place for teens to hang out virtually in Jackson County.
If you are a teen with a library card in Jackson County, enrolled in school and between the ages of 13 to 18, then you are welcome to join our private Discord server! You will need to have a Discord account in order to join our server (or any server).
Once you have an account, register on our website by filling out the “Join JDL Teen Discord” application form and we will email you an invitation.
This is a space for YOU: Meet new friends and connect on topics like:
Anime, Art, Books, Gaming, Graphic Novels and more!
Participate in library programs, find resources, participate in positive safe activities and build a community.
Bots are in place to catch any offensive or undesired posts.
For questions email: discord@myjdl.com