Concord Branch
The Concord Branch was established in 1903 when two Concord residents organized a literary group called the Tuesday Club. Forty members enrolled, each paying $1 and presenting a book to the library. By 1928 the library housed 2,500 books in a small room at the back of the building.
The village then donated the waiting room area of the municipal building where the branch remained until 2006, when it relocated to the Concord Opera House on Main Street.
To reserve the community meeting room at the Concord Branch, visit our meeting room webpage.
108 S. Main St.
Concord, MI 49237
View on a Map
Monday: 10-6
Tuesday: 1-6
Wednesday: 10-6
Friday: 1-6
Saturday: 10-2
Branch Manager
Patty Snoblen
Size: 5,800 Sq. Feet
Original Branch: 1903
Current Branch: 2006