All JDL locations will close at 12 PM on February 14 for staff training.
Locations at the JDL

2024 Grand Prize Winners:

National Parks Membership: Sasha H., Valarie M.

Eufy Vacuum: Rhiana S.

Meckley’s Gift Card: Breanna S. Griffin K.

Knutsons Sporting Goods Gift Card: Michael C., David C.

Gaming Headset: Noor S., Lucas H.

Nintendo Switch: Ashley R., Asher P. Madison C., Morgan F.

Cascades Ice Cream Gift Card: Leah G., Austin C.

Squishmallows: Cadence B., Nancy G., Gracelynn S., Leah B.

JAX60 Gift Card: Kirsten G., Katie T.

LEGO Gift Card: Brittany R., Joelle G., Asher S., Madilyn H.

Art Kit: Qianyu Z., Addi J., Adella T., Allie R.

Sleep Over Bundle: Nora D., Micah R.

Kiwi Co. Subscription: Lee W., Nichole D.

Kitchen Set: Susan E., Kamden S.

Binder Park Zoo Membership: Jordan C., Wren W., Patty S.

Blockaroo Set: James S., Melissa J.

Once Upon a Child Gift Card: Hunter L., Wren S.

Melissa and Doug Bundle: Norell C., Rowen J., Beren C., Levi K.

Cuddle Up and Read Bundle: Daisy F., Henrik C., Georgia R., Emersyn J.

Visa Gift Card: Conner W., Arianna R., Caludia B., Katey L., Melanie B.

All winners have been contacted about prize pick-up.

Track your reading, win prizes, and discover something new in an all-ages reading challenge.

Simply read anything (yes, anything, from daunting novels to breezy comics) between June 1 and July 31, log your time online, and enter to win a wide variety of prizes including gift cards to local favorites like Cascades Ice Cream, JAX 60 and Knutson's Sporting Goods, along with zoo memberships, Squishmallows and more. Every four hours read gets you an entry into a prize drawing of your choice.

Parents and guardians of those who can’t read earn a free book for signing up and another for completing the program. A total of two hours of reading to your toddler or loved one enters them into a prize drawing. Books, magazines, graphic novels - even the website you’re reading right now - count toward your reading goal. Printable reading logs can be found here.

During the months of June and July, all library branches will host family-themed programs and events. View the schedule below and visit our events calendar for more information.

Paper copies of the schedule are available in-branch. A printable version is available here.

  • At JDL, we know that keeping Jackson County residents reading over the summer is more important than ever - especially for students. The "summer slide" is a decline in reading ability that can occur over the summer months when school isn't in session. Our Summer Discover program is a free, annual reading initiative for all ages that can help to curb the "summer slide."

    Click the button above and enter your info to get started.