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Bid Opportunities

A list of request for proposals and bid deadlines are below.

Architectural Services Contract | Nov. 25, 2024

Can you elaborate on the potential Scope of Work- ie will there be a new building, additions, remodeling? The work could include any of these things! JDL has 13 library branches across the county and has been working to update, renovate and expand those that need it and will continue to do so over the next few years.

Will the Scope include Interior Design and Furniture, Fixture and Equipment design and/or procurement? As listed in II Scope of Services 1. Work Field, JDL will ask the architect to help plan interior spaces. JDL does have a style guide that is followed for furniture, paint, carpet, lighting, shelving and service spaces.

What is the anticipated budget for construction projects over the next 2 years? While we can’t accurately predict the budget for capital projects, we can share that we have spent an average of $1.4 million each year over the last four years. Our budget for capital projects for 2025 is $1 million.

Does the Library have its own technology/communication design consultant? JDL’s IT Manager collaborates with the architect and service providers to design the needs for our buildings.

Is this RFP meant to cover the future branch renovation projects, or is this RFP meant to cover smaller projects with the larger renovation projects having their own separate RFP’s released? This RFP covers future branch renovation, refresh, or build projects. The architect will assist JDL with all aspects of any of these capital projects.

This is written similar to a “General Services Agreement” that is usually used with municipal governments where any new project is the hired firms responsibility (not bid out). Is that the intent of this RFP? Yes, that is correct, JDL staff will work with the architect on all aspects of any capital projects for our branches.

Are there any major projects planned (i.e., more that $1M planned for the duration of 2 yrs) to be able to assess a fee, or is it just the hourly rates you require? There are not any current plans for any projects in 2025 for over $1 million. There is the potential of services for major project planning over the next two years. The cost of service would be based on the potential cost of the project as in a set fee. An hourly rate would be included for smaller projects and unexpected add-ons in larger projects.

Do you want/need to see past library design experience as well as the ‘advisor’ experience? Yes, as it is defined in III. Proposal Contents of the RFP.


    Jeff Huey
    Facilities Manager
    244 W. Michigan Ave.
    Jackson, MI 49201